Holamus mi amigomos

Holamus mi amigomos
DISCLAIMER: Please do not ever be offended at any of my content. This is not meant as an indirect attempt to preach to or correct anyone and it is only for my personal pleasure and expression. I will not be held responsible for anyone being offended. I also plan on placing some personal revelations here and they are not to be taken as my interpretation of the true Word of God. They are only things that I feel have been revealed to me and I do not put a period behind them. They are just as likely to be wrong as anyone else
. Even if they are right, I am not preaching them or trying to push them. Actually, at this point, I do not know what I will be writing here.
What I'm trying to say is that the things that I will write are only my opinion unless otherwise specified.

Was up Dog?

Was up Dog?
What's up with the grubs up in the house tomorrow?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chainsaw Analogy

   This may seem funny, but I was driving the other day and an analogy began to develop in my mind. I'd like to share it with you if that is OK. If you disagree with it or have your own ideas about it, no problem. This is just my take on it. Here it goes:
A chainsaw is like the Word of God, it cuts on both sides like a two-edged sword, both coming and going. It is a POWER saw. And appropriately using the Word produces power. The saw is POWERED by fuel that is placed IN the saw. This fuel is our FAITH that we have IN the Word. We place our faith (fuel) IN the Word to produce power according to the Word. Brother Branham said that however much faith you can release is how much power you can have. So we want to fill the tank all the way up. But this fuel (faith) has to be ignited to produce this power. This requires a spark. The spark plug / ignition system would be the HEARING or reading of the Word of God. This ignites our faith (fuel) to produce power. Now there is effort required to ignite the fuel. This is done by the cranking of the saw with our hand. The same goes for hearing and reading the Word. It requires effort on our part to set forth sufficient time to do this. It could be said here that "pushing play" IS the cranking of our saw. But that's still not all. When the fuel (faith) is ignited and the saw (Word) begins to move (power), if the chain is not lubricated, it can get bound and you can get friction that will seize the chain and disable your saw (Word, power). You need lubrication. You need bar chain OIL. The oil would be, as Brother Branham says, the Holy Spirit that you get through prayer and it is also IN the Word (saw). When the Word (saw) cuts with the oil (Holy Spirit) IN the saw, the cut will be smooth and not much effort is required to do the work that is needed. But without the oil the job becomes very difficult and causes much friction that can, like I said already, seize the saw (Word).
Another point is this. Trying to manhandle the saw is equivalent to being overbearing and trying to shove the Word down someones throat. Or bringing correction to someone we perceive as wrong without the love and sweetness of the Holy Spirit. We should develop a soft touch with the saw, being sure that the chain is sufficiently honed and lubricated, and let the saw do the cutting. We don't want to try to force the saw to cut through the object faster and harder. It will only dull the chain faster, burn the wood, and wear the operator down.
   So we place our faith in the Word and the Holy Spirit gets IN the Word through prayer and we ignite our faith by hearing the Word, then we receive power to use the Word for the job at hand. And we must use good care and maintenance for our saw and become good woodmen through proper training and practice and then dedicated service for our Lord.
Now, I hope I didn't make a simple analogy complicated. I hope this has been a blessing to you all. God bless,
Brother Marty

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