Holamus mi amigomos

Holamus mi amigomos
DISCLAIMER: Please do not ever be offended at any of my content. This is not meant as an indirect attempt to preach to or correct anyone and it is only for my personal pleasure and expression. I will not be held responsible for anyone being offended. I also plan on placing some personal revelations here and they are not to be taken as my interpretation of the true Word of God. They are only things that I feel have been revealed to me and I do not put a period behind them. They are just as likely to be wrong as anyone else
. Even if they are right, I am not preaching them or trying to push them. Actually, at this point, I do not know what I will be writing here.
What I'm trying to say is that the things that I will write are only my opinion unless otherwise specified.

Was up Dog?

Was up Dog?
What's up with the grubs up in the house tomorrow?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Accepting His Grace -- IMPORTANT!!!

One of the first "personal' revelations that I remember receiving after I became a Christian is "How IMPORTANT it is to receive God's grace". It is not an option. It is necessary. It is essential. It is required. I have seen so many believers living so bound and even totally back-slid because they fail to see this one premise. Without it, you will die. There is absolutely NOTHING that you can do to merit salvation. If you feel that there is, then you insult our Lord Jesus. If there was then why did He have to die. Then He died in vain. If we truly believe in the power of the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse us from all sin and unbelief, then we must accept it for ALL of our failures. We can't hold on to some sin we have done not knowing if the Lord has forgiven us or not. My friend, do you REALLY believe? Does His blood cleanse us completely or not? If we don't receive our forgiveness, then we are calling the precious blood of Jesus Christ an unholy thing and doing despite to the Spirit of grace. And the sacrifice means NOTHING to us. Unbelief is a horrible thing. It will bind you and make you feel unworthy. Then you will get discouraged and then the devil can just pound you. Discouragement is a chain that binds. But when you feel that you just can't get good enough, then you finally feel like you just don't want to try anymore and you give up. This is the "Hill of Difficulty" Brother Bunyan wrote of in "Pilgrim's Progress" when Pilgrim was trying find "Mr. Legality" in the "Village of Morality".
And just as he notes in the book, this is exactly what the LEGALISTS do. They never are able to get the peace that passes all understanding because they are constantly focusing on their faults and shortcomings. Trying to make themselves righteous. Trying to make themselves spiritual. Our own righteousness is but filthy rags. And what's even worse is when someone else is constantly pointing their faults out to them. This is why we MUST receive His grace. You will NEVER get good enough. You will NEVER become perfect in yours or anyone else' eyes. Only in God's eyes are we made perfect and that by the perfect, purifying blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
In the Message "That Day on Calvary", Brother William Branham said:

  14-8   " Now, there's where we lose our position. If we don't watch, we try to look back to what we was; and as long as we look back to what we was, the sacrifice means nothing to us. Oh, can't you see it, church? I would no... I would not try the job; I can't, and neither can you. There's no need of trying. You're lost to begin with, as long as you look to what you've done. But don't look to what you've done, look what that day on Calvary did to you.
It paid your price. It settled the question. Your sins be as scarlet, they're as white as snow: red like crimson, white like wool. Then you have no sin. You are perfectly sinless. No matter what you done or what you do, you're still sinless. As long as you've accepted Jesus Christ as your Saviour, your sins are forgiven. Anything that's forgiven is remitted and forgot about.
Then what does it do? It gives you, after that condition, His Spirit to follow Him and to do as He did, for others who is following on."

So do you see the IMPORTANCE of receiving His grace? If you haven't done so already, I pray that you will soon receive it.
God bless you all.
Brother Marty

     29    Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

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