Holamus mi amigomos

Holamus mi amigomos
DISCLAIMER: Please do not ever be offended at any of my content. This is not meant as an indirect attempt to preach to or correct anyone and it is only for my personal pleasure and expression. I will not be held responsible for anyone being offended. I also plan on placing some personal revelations here and they are not to be taken as my interpretation of the true Word of God. They are only things that I feel have been revealed to me and I do not put a period behind them. They are just as likely to be wrong as anyone else
. Even if they are right, I am not preaching them or trying to push them. Actually, at this point, I do not know what I will be writing here.
What I'm trying to say is that the things that I will write are only my opinion unless otherwise specified.

Was up Dog?

Was up Dog?
What's up with the grubs up in the house tomorrow?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Brother John Pruitt

My heart is deeply saddened by the passing of my precious brother. He crossed the riven vale yesterday at 6:00 am. I am glad that I was able to get to know him better over the last year. I know he has passed the curtain of time and is resting and waiting for us. We will see him soon. God bless you my brother.

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